
Parking Guide

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  • Parking Guide

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Parking Available/ Parking fee

Parking Available/ Parking fee
Segment Parking Available Parking fee Remarks
Day Night Day Night
Weekdays 07:00~22:00 22:00~07:00 Following Day 10 minutes
/ £Ü 500
30 minutes
/ £Ü 500
Not charged for 10 minutes after parking
Saturday 07:00~13:00 13:00~24:00
Holidays 24 hours 30 minutes / £Ü 500

How to get Parking Fee Free

If you are a resident patient guardian or if you want to park a car for a long term, please consult our parking office beforehand.

How to get Parking Fee Free
Segment Not Charged for/till Confirmation
Outpatient, Checkup and Scheduled Checkup 4 hours Confirm at our parking office on 1st floor
(If having the receipt, use it for free parking)
Entering/Leaving Patient
(1 vehicle per patient)
24:00 of the day
Outpatient Surgeries and 2 department-checkup- patient (or more departments)
Artificial Dialysis Patient at Artificial Kidney Room
8 hours
Emergency Room Patient 24 hours
Guardian at Intensive Care Unit(1 vehicle per patient) Not charged Please get a confirmation to be issued at Patient¡¯s Affairs Department
Delivery and Public Service 1 hour Confirm at our parking office on 1st floor
Short-term parking for quick leaving 10 minutes Real-time monitored through the parking license
Funeral Parlor Family of the Decreased 3 vehicles allowed per family in mourning
(till carrying a coffin out of the hospital)
After checking out signing and sealing of a confirmation or a parking license issued at the funeral parlor, submit it to the parking office when leaving.
Caller for Condolence Free for 30 minutes
Vehicle Entering for Public Services (For the purposes of screenings, seminars, and other events organized by external agencies) Confirmation hours acknowledged by hospital When you intend to hold any official event, please contact us for conference in writing or on the phone. Then, we will notice it to parking office for free parking.
Compact Car, the Disabled, Men of National Merit, and Wounded Soldiers( If any passenger is in the car, parking fee is charged) 50% discount Show a disability service card or a national certificate of merit to our staff in parking office
Inpatient Guardian Vehicle
(1 vehicle per patient)
- Free till 24:00 of the day
- £Ü 10,000 applied till 2 - 4th day per day
- From 5th, £Ü 5,000 added per day
Confirm at our parking office on 1st floor
Long-term Parking License £Ü 15,000 per day Contact us in advance to purchase
  • 24 Hours - All Around Year
  • This parking fee system is implemented due to the difficulty in parking management resulting from habitual long-term parking on Sunday and holiday,
  • The parking fee on Sunday, holiday is £Ü 500 per 30 minutes, as at night.
  • For more information on your parking, contact manager in our management team at (02) 2276-7096

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